The holidays are over. School in the second term is in full throttle. However, this is a time for transition or change in the education sector with the inception of the new curriculum framework in Zimbabwe. The proponents argue that the revamping of the education sector will see the revival in the ethic called Unhu/Ubuntu, the equiping-with-skills of graduates to meet industry standards, the creation of an entrepreneur’s mindset, good performance in sports, among many and sundry of our young people, among other advantages.
This is a time of change, and yes, of confusion also, as new things come aboard. The learner may find the transition so taxing. The implication on academic performance is particularly on focus. New assessments in all learning areas are going to involve a part of continuous assessment. Course-work marks will count towards overall final performance.
One of the ingredients in a set of attitudes of a good performer is exam anxiety. Psychologists have proved that learners who strongly desire to pass, and at times, fear exams often do better than those who take all things for granted, academically speaking. This exam anxiety will be more needful at a time of change like this; when black and white seem to be merging into grey. For the form 4 candidates, I strongly advice and urge. Be geared towards passing all of your subjects. Do not entertain thoughts of re-sitting the exams some time. Then, the assessment setup would have changed. It has not been spelled out how rewrites by the old syllabus students will be handled in the new curriculum. So to beat the system and spare yourself several questions, just perform in the upcoming examinations. Focus more on revision and acquiring new knowledge as you follow the syllabus. Take the mid-year mock tests seriously. Please feel free to air your views on this issue of the new curriculum as much as it affects you. A lively online discussion may help someone.
Happy term!