Welcome To Our School

Building Future Leaders Since 1953

Ellis Robins School

Home Of The Dophins

If You Can Dream It, You Can Do It!

The FUSH Rugby Team

Why Ellis Robins School for Boys?

We would describe Ellis Robins Boy High School as exciting and dynamic. The best thing about being a student here is the number of additional opportunities that are available. To any new student coming to the Ellis Robins School, We would say this: Throw yourself at every opportunity that comes your way. If it gets too much, you can always scale back, but those opportunities can make all the difference between getting what you want and having to settle for second best.







Stories & Updates

Prefect 2022 camp appreciation

Ellis Robins Clean-up Campaign

15 Years And Under Fustal Team: Our Pride And Joy

15 Years And Under Fustal Team: Our Pride And Joy

The boys were seen as underdogs as they were small in stature and most of the players were in form 1. Some form 3s are also eligible to be in this age group and judging from the stature of players from other schools they had chosen players from form 3 levels. The boys...

Ellis Robins School 2020 In Retrospect

Ellis Robins School 2020 In Retrospect

Arnold Jones field was refurbished as a PPP( Public Private Partnership) project with, Golden Eagles Football Club. It was a very long process which finally yielded good results. It is now well manicured that it has attracted the National teams who have come to train...

The Headmaster’s Address: Speech and Prize-giving Day 2019

The Headmaster’s Address: Speech and Prize-giving Day 2019

SPEECH AND PRIZE GIVING DAY 4 OCTOBER 2019: ELLIS ROBINS SCHOOL Directors of Ceremonies, Mrs Chanakira and Mrs Chabata The Chairperson of the School Development Committee, Mrs Ramani and Executive members of his Committee here present; Mr Chigwida and Representatives...